TROPE are a friendly Borg.
We are an elite guild of multi-faceted media artists, strategist and advertisers. Our team takes shape depending on the project needs - but most importantly it is collective. We share responsibility, profits and ambition.
Branding & Advertising
Clinton Lugert
Of course Clint is a talented, passionate and experienced designer, we wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t; but his true gift is as a connector. He naturally inspires creatives to be even more incredible together.
He also brings nearly 20 years of major brand advertising experience to the table. In brand-land he’s been a photographer, editor, illustrator, designer and all the flavors of Creative Director.
Clint’s true love always was and always will be film. Through TROPE he’s able to work on what he loves with who he loves, and that’s why founded TROPE in the early 2000’s.
Mike Schwandt
It’s rare to find a media master that’s not part robot. Mike is quite the opposite, but just as efficient.
He’s often the front man of a wacky band, or running the beer brand that has the most fun in the World at Bauhaus Brew Labs.
But he’s also secretly a genius. He earned his stripes several times at the illustrious Fallon running campaigns for brands so big it’s scary.
His work amplifies the concepts. When Mike puts together a media plan, it’s just about when and where, but why. It makes a huge difference.
Gary Lo
A strange thing happens when you combine a freakish work ethic with a dizzying range of talents - you get a Gary.
This guy would gladly design the entire Planet if we let him, and he’s got the skills to back it up. As a designer he thinks like a sculpture, as an illustrator he thinks like a designer and as a concept guy he out thinks everybody else. That’s why we call him an Art Director because we don’t really know what else to call a creative that powerful.
Christina Vang
Christina is not an artist you hire, she’s one you let loose. She’s a disrupter and activist at heart and art is her weapon of choice - lucky for us.
She’s somehow also a well-rounded force of logic and inspiration. It’s not too often you find a brand master that can also paint the mural on your wall. But here you have it and you’re lucky to.
Scott Jorgensen
This incredibly positive man is a curator of crisp thought and connoisseur of excellent communication. His raw talent for connecting dots, and translating it into consumable information is unparalleled. Did I mention he’s an absolute joy to work with? It doesn’t hurt that he’s an incredible cook and mixologist as well as bottomless font of random facts and stories from around the globe. Get to know this guy.
Kris Growcott
When this tall drink of water isn’t looking over a wall, he’s looking through it - or more likely - smashing his way through it.
His genre-bending brain thinks like a lawyer but creates like a entrepreneur. Always busy, always engaged and seemingly always right; this guy helps us see the forest for the trees. Then he categorizes them, cross-breeds them and teaches them to grow into a house. We should have him write this actually, he’s much better at this.
Nicole Travis
Listen, you’re not going to surprise Nicole with how unbuttoned you are. She’s seen it all before and fixed it then too. It’s hard to think of a major brand she’s not wielded and yet she remains ever curious.
Her super power is making everyone realize we’re all on the same team and making hard work feel fun. When she takes on your project the appropriate response is, “Oh, thank God.”
Jeffrey Grustern
Jeffery is a hard-working renaissance man who approaches visual problems like a human logic bomb. His probing questions are things of legend. If the concept stands through the fire of his wisdom, you’ve done it right.
His acute mind always strives for excellence in every executions and elevates everyone around him along the way. Plus he’s cute.
Courtney Thomas
Lots of kids got in trouble for doodling in school, but those other kids weren’t perfecting their art to make a career out of it now were they? No.
Well, when Courtney vanishes into her art she comes back with fabulous brush work, a beautifully fleshed out back story and notes on how to solve all your brand’s problems. She was listening and creating. At the same time. That’s how you know she’s a pro. Next time you see her “doodling,” just sit back and let the magic happen.
Erin Horvath
Erin is weird. Because it’s weird to find someone so consistent that’s also so much fun to work with.
Her talent is a lot deeper than being great at details. She sees the reasons behind great U.I. patterns and upholds core concepts in her impeccable execution of production art. She makes sure everything is perfect, while uplifting everyone she works with.
We’ll let you know when the cloning process is successful, but for now you’ll just have to rent our Erin.
Karen Hanson
Working in advertising can be a turbulent ride. Eventually you realize that who you’re working with is as important as the work itself. Karen is one of those grounding forces that keeps everyone around her humble and productive. It’s invaluable.
But she’s the furthest thing from dull. She rarely wears her “Most Interesting Woman” pin, but she’s got some stories to share if you dare to ask.
Her extensive experience with the best ad shops around also has given her the grace to call us on our bullshit at the exact right time. Also invaluable.
Janko Williams
There should be a more acceptable business term for what Janko does. Something like “digital painting Wizard” feels a little closer.
He’s a visual art amplifier, which is to say he makes the rest of us look good. And he’s a master of his craft. Once our ideas land in his hands they come back looking better than our most luscious arty fantasies.
Janko is also a grounding force. The rock you tie your project to - a dependable creator, a loyal friend and skilled artist. Which is to say, we’re fans and you will be too.
When it’s time for us to animate title credits, cut a trailer, shoot a commercial or fill holes on your squad we shine the TROPE signal in the sky to call in the
Production Team
Angie Schoemer
Ben Robertson
Mike P. Nelson
Ryan Schaddelee
Mim Epstein
Jason Schumacher
Amanda Day